Mentioned to Niall I had tried to explore #149.
My brother and I pulled up a large number of manhole covers in Brentwood one night. (Brentwood borders the South edges of Nose Hill Park). All the manholes we explored go about 8ft down and just act as junctions for the various storm drains. There were no actual tunnels that one could crawl through. However… after a long night of drinking and searching we discovered a large water drain of some sort, diameter of about 4 feet, that led in the direction of Nose Hill.
Sadly, we did not go very deep on account of the liquor taking hold. Would love to see where the pipe leads but just have not gone back since.
One thing that was interesting and eerie, was to see the graffiti in the pipe slowly get less and less dense to the point of bare cement. Like a visual reference of how far people were willing to venture.
There are lots of areas around Nose Hill that possibly house some underground secrets, especially the East/North sides. Nose Hill itself is pretty neat actually if one chooses to explore it.
Some facts about Nose Hill that may surprise:
- 11 square kilometers, a massive green space to have inside a city.
- Contains archaeological sites, stone circles/piles and such. I think there was even someone researching the similarities between Stonehenge and a stone circle found in Nose Hill but I could be wrong about that. I know it was definitely an area of spiritual significance in the past.
- It is a cool place once you get off the common trails. In the middle is a giant flat grassland where all the grass is that shitty brown color (you can hardly see any civilization so you get a really odd feeling standing there). Oh and you can always find weird stuff in the low traffic areas of the park.
Anyway if you are in Brentwood it is worth it to take a walk around Nose Hill off the trails.
Other than the keys, I think there is a lot more to Calgary than people think (a freind was telling me there is even a small lake/pond somewhere that has a tractor at the bottom?).
Also there are some really cool areas outside of Calgary to be explored (ice caves, abandoned school, etc).
I think I might start to do more exploring here now, be it keys or whatever, I can report on it all.
verisimilitude… man I had to look that one up.
Canada's Stonehenge is outside Brooks Alberta, about 200km from Calgary. Apparently it outdates Stonehenge.