009 - The Yellow Room
An architect's rendering of Calgary's Dominion Bank, 1911
The exterior of the Teatro Restaurant, located in downtown Calgary.

There is a wall in the basement of the restaurant called Teatro that is, despite all attempts to paint it another shade, a sickly shade of yellow. The owner conceals the wall by putting a mirror and a couch up against it. However, if you remove both the couch and the mirror, you'll discover the wall's pale yellow tone. This is of no consequence, however, if you have come unequipped. In order to make use of phenomena #9, you will need a small jar of hazelnut oil.

Paint the outline of a door on the wall using the oil, and then push. The door you've drawn will open inward into a room with walls made from stucco that's been painted the same sickly yellow as the wall you passed through. The room appears to be a spartanly furnished study with furniture that puts you in mind of the South Sea Islands. On the desk you will find numerous papers written on the letterhead of the Dominion Bank, dated 1912. The papers predict every financial crash worldwide from 1912 until twenty years from now, when the predictions abruptly stop mid sentence.

DrJ's Notes:

It should be noted that the predicted worldwide financial crashes are stated to occur from "now" (which would be 2009, when the Keys were first posted) until 2029, 20 years later.

Clearly there is some relation between the South Sea Islands (more commonly referred to as Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia, or the Islands of the South Pacific) and the Dominion Bank.

From the website for Teatro itself: "Teatro Ristorante: Italian for ‘theatre’, Teatro is located on Olympic Plaza in Calgary’s downtown theatre district and is housed in the historic Dominion Bank Building built in 1911."

Urban Explorer and Acolyte Qirate notes that he visited Teatro but was unable to locate the Yellow Room.

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